International Women’s Day: Q and A with Elevatus architect on women in built environment

March 8, 2023, is International Women’s Day, a global holiday that celebrates the women’s rights movement and works to bring attention to issues like gender equality and violence and abuse against women.
Women make up more than one-third of the staff at Elevatus. Unfortunately, that is not the norm in the built environment. Women bring unique skills and qualities that enhance firms, projects, and the industry as a whole. They often share empathy, are detail-oriented, are great listeners and multitaskers, and have strong work ethics.
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we sat down with one of our licensed architects, Jen Snell, to discuss life as a woman in the built environment.

Jen Snell
Name/Role/Years in industry
Jen Snell, Architect & Project Manager, 14 years
Q: How are women represented in the AEC industry today?
JS: Representation is getting better, but still not where it needs to be. There is still a major disparity between the number of women in leadership positions compared to our male counterparts.
Q: What unique qualities do women bring to the AEC environment?
JS: There is a level of detail that women inherently possess that make them great thinkers and producers as well as excellent multitaskers. There is an abundance of data showing that women in these positions increase productivity and women led companies continuously outperform companies with less gender diversity on boards and in leadership. In my experience working with other women in this industry, I am amazed at the amount of teamwork and the drive to not only elevate their own careers, but the drive to lift each other up as well.
Q: Why should young girls consider a career in the AEC industry?
JS: To not only balance the equity in the professional industries, but to work in a creative and rewarding career that is almost endless in potential personal and professional growth. Also, to increase financial independence.
Elevatus is proud to lift up women in the built environment, on International Women’s Day and all other days. Happy International Women’s Day!